Saturday, October 03, 2009

Illustrations by Charley Harper

I heart Charley Harper. I only became aware of this man and his work a year or two ago. if you are a girl, there is a solid chance you've seen some of his work around anthropology (at least the one at the spectrum). his illustrations are incredible, and so fun, so geometric - way better than anything i'll ever do. and he was so prolific - there is such a vast amount of work to be seen.

yesterday, stephanie gave me a surprise gift: a charley harper matching game. i love it because its one those items i totally admire but would never actually buy for myself. i dont know if these photos i took will do his work justice.... but please please please wander through this website for the next hour or so...

1 comment:

Allison said...

Can you please bring this to work with you sometime in mid-to-late November so we can play during coffee break?