Saturday, November 08, 2008

the third man

this is officially one of my favorite movies. i dont know how i went for so long and never saw it. i watched the first half when it was on TV, maybe 5 or 6 months. i immediately fell in love with the musical score, which i downloaded some of from itunes soon after. it makes me want to own a sidewalk cafe just so i can have this music playing in it. anyway, i've looked for this dvd at least half a dozen times at the mission viejo library... and its always checked out. until today.

if you know me, it probably won't surprise you that the film is over 50 years old. but i know a lot of you are gung ho about watching the afi top 100. and this film ranked 57th on the first list - dont know where it lands on the updated list (even though its technically british).

there are some great shots in this film. and the ending was absolutely perfect for me.

on a completely unrelated topic, typing this post caused me to question both the spelling and meaning of "gung ho". here you go

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