Saturday, September 06, 2008

better than TV...

... listening to the radio online. i know jaime recently blogged about the wonder that is this american life. i whole-heartedly agree and think (for the moment) its the most enjoyable thing on the radio - and, dare i say, even television! (side note: there is a TV series, i havent seen any of it though.) other wonderful programs on npr that im crazy about: wait wait dont tell, a prarie home companion, speaking of faith. ok, so, some of those are much better than others... but who would have thought that my failing ipod would bring so much entertainment in the form of public radio. (i am, however, sick of hearing the same boring news stories.)

the fact that i can find all of these programs online is so great.

non-radio listenings include Dracula. i am half way through, and i love it. im sure its way better than all these crazy new vampire stories that the kids are mad about these days...

1 comment:

K. C. Foulk said...

I also really love Wait, Wait and I even find myself halfway through a diagnosis of a 89 Honda accord before I realize... I'm actually listening to a radio show thats hosted by car mechanics. Car Talk of course! But my all-time fave is A Way With Words. I want to be a Verb-avore some day!
(on a sadder note... I must say, I always find "this I believe to be incredibly trite and cliche :P )